KPG-4 Programming Cable for Kenwood Tk-706D (2 Channel VHF Radio)

Kenwood TK-706D is a two-channel 25 Watt VHF radio. The Programming Cable for Kenwood TK-706D is KPG-4.  This post is about how to build Programming Cable for Kenwood Tk-706D or KPG-4. 

Kenwood KPG-4 Compatible Programmer by Kyle Yoksh, K0KN, is the schematic used as a reference to build programming cable.

Kenwood Tk-706D (2 CH) VHF Radio

DB9 and MAX3232 chip used (RS232 To TTL)Make sure to join DB9 pins on RS232 To TTL converter are connected; otherwise, programming will not work.

DB9 Pin 4 and 6

DB9 Pin 7 and 8

Temporary setup while conducting a test. A 9V battery supplied power to the MAX3232 chip.


VCC: to 9V battery +

GND: to 9V battery –  and ground pin on RJ12 Kenwood Pin 2

RXD: to RJ12 Kenwood Pin 6

TXD: to RJ12 Kenwood Pin 3

The temporary setup worked, and I was able to program the Kenwood VHF Radio Tk-706D using Kenwood Programming KPG-6D. I thought about making this cable more organized. I worked with my friend John VE7CUU to make a small enclosure for the chip. Then we found one bare metal contained that was the appropriate size to hold the chip and 9V battery.

Check out another post on How to Program the radio.

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