Jeep Cherokee Radio Install: VHF radio installation in 2016 Jeep Cherokee KL. All credit goes to my friend VE7CUU for his assistance in making it a success. It gets challenging as there is minimal space in new vehicles to install equipment. It took us a lot of time to figure out how to route power cables through the firewall.
To begin the install, we started with routing the power cables. We installed the 25 A fuse near the battery terminal and ran the wires down beside the fuse box.

To get the wires through the firewall, we had to put the Jeep on a small ramp to get access under the driver’s side. The hole through the firewall is near the brake pedal from inside or beside the driver’s side wheel. There will be a small black cap that needs to be removed to get access.

The radio is a Yaesu Ft3200 DR. It is installed on top of the small accessory door, which is under the light switch. The radio bracket gets secured with small nuts and bolts. You will need to trim the plastic a little to close the accessory door as it will now include some nuts for the radio bracket. The accessory box is still operatable as the door can be opened and closed with no issues.
To secure and place the radio microphone, I bought a small vent clip for cell phones, and insert a belt clip inside the cell phone holder. It is straightforward to access the microphone and put it back.
If you are interested in installing a VHF/UHF antenna on the fender of your Jeep Cherokee KL, check out my other post.